Snow Blower Buying Guide
Single-Stage or Two-Stage? Choose the right snow blower for your needs.
Snow blowers easily cut through packed snow and ice, even the tough stuff the plow leaves at the end of your driveway. If you’ve never purchased or used a snow blower before, then buying one can be challenging. To help find the best snow blower for you, we’ve assembled this snow blower buying guide filled with useful advice and tips to keep in mind.
Depending on whether it is a single-stage or two-stage, the snow blower consists of the following components.
The charts below give you a general idea as to the capabilities of a single-stage versus a two-stage snow blower.
This engine offers uncompromised power and displacement. It is specially designed to start strong down to -29°C and power through in the toughest winter conditions. Plus, oversized controls provide mitten-friendly operation, and the push button electric start (available on most models) eables easy starts. Numerous power options are available.
The SnowShredder™ Serrated Auger has multiple serrated steel surfaces that provide advanced ice chopping and more snow clearing power. The power of a two-stage snow blower, combined with the maneuverability of a single-stage. Available on select single-stage snow blowers.
Snow blower engines need to start easily, be reliable, and get your snow thrower running, even under the harshest conditions. Able to start at temperatures as low as -29°C, you can count on Briggs & Stratton snow blower engines to start on the coldest of winter mornings and deliver the power you need to move thick, heavy snow. Whether tackling a light dusting of snow or the winter’s worst storm, your snow blower engine matters.