Where can you buy a Briggs & Stratton Engine or Product?
Purchase at a Dealer
Use our vast dealer network to find the right dealer to get the right help. Briggs & Stratton dealers are certified and specialize in selling and/or servicing all our different product types.
Use our dealer locator to find a dealer near you!
Purchase at a Retailer
Briggs & Stratton has both local and online retailers that carry our products for your purchasing convenience. If the product is available at a retailer, there will be a “Where to Buy” button on the product pages that shows where you can find the product, its availability and price.
If there is not a button that says "Where to Buy" but one that says "Find A Dealer", then you can only purchase the product at your local dealer.

Learn how to properly and safely use, troubleshoot and maintain your Briggs & Stratton equipment.
Learn about the latest products, step-by-step instructions on how to locate your engine model number and more.